Donnerstag, 7. Juni 2012

Alles wie gehabt

Irgendwie hat was gefehlt. Irgendwie war es unvollständig. Und nun weiß man auch, was es war: Es kann natürlich kein Throhnjubiläum in Great Britain geben ohne das passende Statement von Morrissey. Nun also:

"The soul is tried all over again as the jackboot of dictatorship strangles England. This week, the Queen's Diamond Jubilee presents a new lesson in the force of tyranny, and is an expression of loathing and abhorrence of the British poor - and all done, quite naturally, at the public's expense! It is degrading to anyone of intelligence. While dictatorships throughout the Middle East are gently condemned by the British government, there is no examination of the extremism enforced by the British 'royals', who remain the most overpaid and most utterly useless people on the planet. Having done nothing to earn our respect, they demand everything by return. It is a cunning and extravagant form of benefit fraud."

Die geballte Ladung natürlich wie immer auf True To You - hier.

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