Dienstag, 12. Juni 2012


Keiner weiß, was ihn so antreibt, aber Billy Corgan schlägt mal wieder verbal um sich und geriert sich einmal mehr zum einzig wahren Auskenner in Sachen Rock. Und das just in dem Moment, da das neue Album "Oceania" seiner ehemals verehrten, nunmehr zur nebulösen Rumpftruppe verkommenen Band Smashing Pumpkins zum Prelistening bei iTunes und bei tape-tv erschienen ist. Sieht ganz so aus, als wolle da wer, koste es auch die letzten Sympathien, unbedingt im Gespräch bleiben:

"I can't think of any people outside of Weird Al Yankovic who have both embraced and pissed on rock more than I have. Obviously there's a level of reverence, but there's also a level of intelligence to even know what to piss on. Because I'm not pissing on Rainbow. I'm not pissing on Deep Purple. But I'll piss on fucking Radiohead, because of all this pomposity. This value system that says Jonny Greenwood is more valuable than Ritchie Blackmore. Not in the world I grew up in. So I find myself defending things. Is Ritchie Blackmore a better guitar player than me and Jonny Greenwood? Yes. Have we all made contributions? Yes. I'm not attacking that. I'm attacking the pomposity that says this is more valuable than that. I'm sick of that. I'm so fucking sick of it, and nobody seems to tire of it." (NME)

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