Freitag, 1. Februar 2013

"No ailments left for me to cry"

Nichts Gutes war es, was man von Morrissey in den letzten Tagen so gehört hat: Einlieferung in's William Beaumont Hospital, Michigan und mit der Diagnose "blutendes Geschwür" und "Barrett Ösophagus" auf dem Zettel, kam die teilweise Tourabsage in den USA nicht überraschend, nun meldet sich der Meister auf True To You mit einer Nachricht, die - wäre sie nicht so ernst - zur sofortigen Vertonung verpflichten würde:

"The reports of my death have been greatly understated. Once admitted to the William Beaumont Hospital at Royal Oak in Michigan, I received treatment for concussion, a bleeding ulcer, and Barrett's esophagus. The positive from all of this is that there are now no known ailments left for me to try. I am fully determined to resume the tour on February 9 at the Chelsea Ballroom in Las Vegas. If there's an audience of any kind in attendance, I just might die with a smile on my face, after all. If I am not there, I shall probably never again be anywhere. Equally, I am determined to play Flint (Michigan) if it kills me (which, on the face of it, it almost has.) Thank you to everyone present at both Brooklyn (New York) and Melbourne (Australia) during recent weeks for two of the best nights of what might charitably be termed my "career". My debt to you will outlive time itself.

Pause at my headstone,
31 January 2013."

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